Friday, July 2, 2010

The Old Hypocrite

I have been following closely the pedophile scandal evolving in the Catholic Church. I am happy that they are finally forced to admit their sick mistakes and even more glad I am about the example of Belgian earthly powers taking over an abuse investigation. Church clearly seems to have conflict of interest when investigating it's own priests' abuses of children. Those priests should be investigated and punished according to the earthly practises and laws. The so-called punishments the Church has meted out are ridiculous when compared to the gravity of the crimes. Or do you think it is enough of a punishment to move an abusing priest to office duty and not even take away his priesthood after he has molested dozens of children? No jail time?

I believe one problem in the Catholic Church contributing to these problems is celibacy. It is quite unnatural for a human being and may contribute to these sick occurrences. At the same time I am pondering about how widespread these problems really are? For instance, how widespread sexual abuse of children is in the churches that don't preach celibacy? Is there less sexual abuse? And what about the islamic world? Does it happen there as well?

During these latest waves of this scandal the Catholic Church has tried to whitewash the Old Hypocrite, the Pope, as an ardent and fierce advocate against child abuses and a strict punisher of abusers. I didn't much buy into that earlier and now, according to a New York Times article, some newly unearthed documents paint a completely different picture. Here are a few brief excerpts from that article:

"But church documents and interviews with canon lawyers and bishops cast that 2001 decision and the future pope’s track record in a new and less flattering light.

The Vatican took action only after bishops from English-speaking nations became so concerned about resistance from top church officials that the Vatican convened a secret meeting to hear their complaints — an extraordinary example of prelates from across the globe collectively pressing their superiors for reform, and one that had not previously been revealed.

The office led by Cardinal Ratzinger, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, had actually been given authority over sexual abuse cases nearly 80 years earlier, in 1922, documents show and canon lawyers confirm. But for the two decades he was in charge of that office, the future pope never asserted that authority, failing to act even as the cases undermined the church’s credibility in the United States, Australia, Ireland and elsewhere.

But the future pope, it is now clear, was also part of a culture of nonresponsibility, denial, legalistic foot-dragging and outright obstruction. More than any top Vatican official other than John Paul, it was Cardinal Ratzinger who might have taken decisive action in the 1990s to prevent the scandal from metastasizing in country after country, growing to such proportions that it now threatens to consume his own papacy. "

Perhaps it would now be time for the Old Hypocrite to step down? The Onion previously published a funny article on the subject heavily criticizing the actions of the Catholic Church and the Pope. You can read it here: Pope Vows To Get Church Pedophilia Down To Acceptable Levels

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Raping languages

Me thinks it is time to write some lighter stuff for a change. Perhapsly I've got this all wrong? Perhaps all the writings in a blog don't have to be full of substance and facts and rationale?

This time I am gonna rant and rave about raping languages, my favourite hobby. Rape a language or play with words, whatever which way you wanna put it. I've found I am constantly doing it, so I must have some kinda weird urge to do so. I seem to rape all the languages at my disposal, pretty much every day of the week.

Anyways, this topic reminds me first and foremost of Borat and his fine documentary called "Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan". I found it hilarious. What first springs to mind are occurrences where a man mentions "mormons". Somehow - quite unintentionally, I think - Borat picks up the word as "moron" and talks of morons ever since. Another occurrence at a dinner table - a man tells Borat he is "retired" and Borat instantly recognises the word as "retarded". The whole table then rushes to help and tells Borat that the man is not retarded... And so forth...

Probably most of the "document's" scenes are real, but most likely the climax where Borat tries to kidnap Pamela Anderson is not a real world occurrence but staged. I first thought they might have been that crazy, but I've come to realize there would be legal implications. However, some of those poor people in the movie are fooled in so a humiliating and total fashion that they must have felt grossly insulted when they saw the film or learned of it. I absolutely couldn't have done what Borat did.

One of my own inventions in the field of language-rape is the word Repuglican. It is a combination of the words repugnant and Republican. From there you might quite unequivocally figure out my opinion of the Republicans in the US and A.

Right now, no other word plays come to mind. Feel free to add your own wordplay examples in the comments, if you remember any. Funny thing, I found the concept wordplay was even defined in Wikipedia...